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A member registered Dec 04, 2020

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(3 edits)

Dude, I find this very relatable. I am not diagnosed but have had strong suspicions for years. I have been able to focus for the entirety of the game, and even focused and fully knowing that the game was going to gaslight me I have second-guessed myself.

I actually had to log in to comment on this and it has been another ride:

I'm using another browser so my password isn't saved, so I have to guess what password and email I used for the account, after trying a few times I think I got it but I actually missed the Captcha so have to do it again... "wait, what password was it?" "ah, yes..." It's wrong.

I open the other browser to skip the log in part but I actually didn't save the password so I'm back to square one. I so I am guessing again until I remember I didn't use an email, probably, I have to put an username, which one? Ah, yes... But it sends me an email to verify the login so I remember to do this in the other browser, but I also close Photoshop because it's a long story but I actually googled looking for another game that somehow related to me using Photoshop to take notes, I think.

Still with me? Read it all over again if you need to, I know I did.

So after that I look at the first browser and realize that I have tabs I am not using because I was looking for translations for a reason I can't remember. Now, finally, the email: what account was it on? I guess first try and find the code on top of the mailbox, which is full of mail I will never open. So now I can log in to finally write quick comment on how I related to this but now I am self-aware of what just happened because I think I remember a game I played 30 seconds ago so I also decide to write this comment and half-way to the first paragraph I think I am forgetting what just happened so half this shit is made up and/or not in chronological order. Suddenly I stop writing...

"What am I doing and why?-" Do I actually recall that moment or is it just me now as I write this thinking of it?

At some point I decided I was telling the story of a 30 second period that is now going to have a meta-commentary on ADHD with an unreliable narrator that is me, the very real person writing.

Literally as I wrote that last paragraph my grandma entered the house and it is her birthday so when I went to greet her I very (not) subtly showed that I forgotten that it was, in fact, her birthday. When it had been mentioned by my parents right before they left the house: about half an hour ago, or maybe more when I started typing this comment thinking it was going to take a minute maybe-.

I look at the text. Wonder what the fuck this was an press "Post Comm

Edit: I actually edited the text because it was full of mistakes, and it probably still is. But I don't care anymore.

I think this game has a very cool concept, very well executed for how short it is and it could actually be a full game about 2 hours long or something.

If it was long enough to make you attached to the main character and to learn the history of this dystopia (maybe with multiple character arcs from the people who write the notes we see) and then it had the same ending, I think it would be a very powerful experience.

Now, these are just suggestions that I would do if I was the owner of this game. Even if this is all we get, I really liked this game even if it is very short and I am happy I played it.

I would have liked to see what happens to that Karl guy and to The Son of Zinchad or whatever his name is... But what it sold it for me was the ending, so simple yet so adorable, it is top notch.

It gets 4 buckets of water out of 5.

i'm coming for your record mate

now they are 49... both high score and thousands in debt

i require help

High score of 39

I have been addicted to your game for the past few days, I lost my job, my house and I am currently $5000 in debt. Your game ruined my life, dumbass.

really fun game, btw... 10/10